Terms and conditions
By purchasing our services, you confirm that you have read and understood the following:
1.1 We shall, as far as possible, arrange training according to each individual member's needs and prerequisites.
1.2 Group training: The number of classes, time and instructor change from season to season. We reserve the right to cancel or end classes that are in the timetable. We offer online booking of various offers. Here you must follow the rules set for the service at all times. There is no guarantee that the individual member will get a place in all the classes they wish to attend.
1.3 We reserve the right to change the opening hours, especially at Christmas/Easter and summer holidays. There may also be closing of all or parts of the center during, meetings, course activities or maintenance.
1.4 You must be over 16 years of age. When signing a contract, a guardian's signature is required. This applies until the age of 18.
1.5 We reserve the right to send out information/advertising via post/text/e-mail unless otherwise agreed.
1.6 Your visits are registered in our database, this is for internal use only.
2.1 You yourself are responsible for being fit in terms of health to use the center and not being under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.
2.2 For security reasons, children may not attend regular classes.
2.3 You undertake to follow the instructions and comply with the rules that apply at all times to the use of the centre. In case of breach of rules, we reserve the right to terminate your membership.
2.4 You must clean up equipment that is used and keep it tidy after you.
2.5 We disclaim any responsibility for damage to persons or objects that occurs during or as a result of a stay in the centre, including damage to clothing and loss of money, valuables or other valuables that may be lost.
2.6 It is not permitted to store belongings in the center outside opening hours, with the exception of rented lockers.
2.8 Shoes that do not stain are permitted in the premises. The equipment you use must be washed and disinfected after use.
2.9 You must leave the center at closing.
2.10 You are obliged to inform us of account changes. This is done to post@trondheimpolestudio.no
3.1 Membership fees and non-binding period breaks are not refunded when moving residence, place of work or study.
3.2 Rest membership: Pregnant women can freeze their membership for a year.
3.3 In the event of illness: We will not refund paid-in membership if an illness occurs during the contract period that indicates sick leave. In the event of a written training ban from a doctor for more than 3 weeks, membership will be suspended for as long as necessary, this is free of charge.
4.2 Freeze membership: Contracts with a completed commitment period can be frozen in the event of illness, school attendance or work outside the district. Documentation is required. Membership is suspended free of charge for up to 12 months, according to documentation.
4.3 Contracts during the binding period can also be frozen for the above-mentioned reasons, but here the installments will run as normal until the binding period is over. After the binding period, the period of absence will be added to the contract period before new installments are drawn. The membership runs after the binding period until the form for termination of membership is filled in on our websites.
4.4 During the provision of the military service, we grant a postponement of the commitment period and payment
4.5 If you do not show up for the pre-booked appointment/activity, you will be charged a no show fee.